Sunday, May 13, 2007

I am ill

The fun of the Cedar Point trip is now showing its angry flip side. The windy, cold weather has caused an illness, the likes of which I haven't seen in months. My stomach is quite angry. All I want is some plum juice and ginger ale. They are my feel-better beverages. Warren said he would go to Food Lion and get me some at 10:30 when he takes a break from his paper. I've been napping all day, so I think I'll still be up by then.

Ivan went home after Cedar Point (he lives only 40 minutes from the park). I miss him! He was such a sweetie and left two cans of ravioli and some mac and cheese.

I just got distracted by a show on TLC called "Celebrating the American Woman." The first woman it profiled was a dairy farmer. I'd love to be a dairy farmer. I wonder sometimes how some people say that they can only be happy doing one specific thing with their lives. I would be happy as a clam to be a stay-at-home mom, dairy farmer, medical researcher, woodworker, teacher, hut builder, or anything else. Being the executive director of a nonprofit which promotes social justice and a healthy, happy world is simply what I have chosen to do. I think it will make me the happiest. I think it best utilizes the gifts and passions God has instilled in me. I really believe that with enough hard work and desire, I could be a successful anything.

I do not like when people say that hard work will get anyone anywhere and allow them to become anything. It's just not true. It's a self-soothing excuse of people who are successful to not help those who are not. "If homeless people worked hard enough, they'd find a place to live." "Study hard thoughout school, and you'll get into college and get a good job." It's just not always true. Very good people sometimes fall into very bad situations. Mental illness and substance abuse are not the leading causes of homelessness, despite popular middle- and upper-class belief. Shockingly, it is the lack of housing...WOW! Who knew? Ok, that's a little preachy, but I get so frustrated when I tell people about my career ambitions and they give me that tilted head with the slight smile. Their faces scream, "Oh, honey, that's so sweet. You're very naive, but that's a nice thought until you find out about the real world and get a real job as an accountant." GGGAAAAHHHH! I promise my job is real. Many people have the same job, they make very good money, and *gasp* my silly save-the-world career is even listed in the Occupational Outlook Handbook from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics.

Oh, sheesh, that frustration got out of hand. I'm going to call Warren to get me some juice, watch this neat TLC show, and fall asleep. Tomorrow and Tuesday are the last day of classes, and finals start Thursday. I have a HUGE project due next week that was supposed to take me 3 months...I haven't started researching yet. Oops. I'll do well. Until next time, loyal readers (do I dilute myself into thinking anyone actually reads this? Comment people, it makes the Suz feel loved!), I leave you with thoughts and prayers and virtual hugs.

1 comment:

Andrew & Laura said...

I love you Suzinator! I hope your tummy feels better soon- it sucks to feel yuckY! I think your career goals are very admirable, by the way. Then again, I do head up the SMFC Frostburg Chapter...