Monday, May 7, 2007

Figuring it All Out

I've decided to start a blog. I read Laura-Love's religiously, and sometimes I think I should have a place where people can keep up with me. I'm terrible at writing letters, phone calls are sporatic at best, and I get so wrapped up in my datebook that I completely forget that a world exists outside of good ol' Frostburg.

So now I'm going to try my very best to keep up with a blog (which will also probably be rather sporatic). I will be no Laura Cooke, mind you, but I will stop and post when I can. I don't promise fun stories, but I do promise that I will see the humor in life. I don't promise terribly interesting stories, either, but I do promise to make the not-so-intresting updates as interesting as possible.

Sometimes I will make no sense. Sometimes I will make a lot of sense. Sometimes I will ramble on and on (you have my permission to stop reading in those cases), and sometimes a post will be just one sentence. Either way, I hope I keep up with this, and...


1 comment:

Erin Lothian said...

yay! i'm excited for you to have a blog. even if you do live 3 floors up from me, i don't get let into the exciting life of suzzy managas everyday! make sure you post every day.. i prob can't read it religously like you did Laura's but i will try. oh and congrats on being an aunt to little lucy!