Monday, October 8, 2007

* Ohio is Klassy *

Yes, Ohio is by far the klassiest of all the 47 states...oh...I mean 50.

Jesus Lord above, please grant me the patience to deal with those people who destroy every effort I have made in the past 4 years to convince non-buckeyes that Ohio is a great, with-it sort of place. None of that crazy, trashy, hillbilly type of crap.

Let me explain my frustration. I arrived home on a sunny and abnormally warm October day (today), and I discovered an email from my dear friend Laura entitled, "Ohio...". I was very excited until I opened the email and it said "is KLASSY!". Oh, dear. There was also a link to a news article describing the wedding of a Springfield couple who married in...WAL MART! Jeez, fellow Ohioans, can we please keep the weird weddings out of the news?

Here's a rundown of weddings in Ohio I have recently heard about:
1. walmart wedding
2. camo wedding, complete with a camouflage bride's dress
3. taxidermy wedding. yes. like dead, stuffed animals. squirrels and shit. wow.

I'm not telling people to marry in churches with linen tablecloths and white dresses. I'm just asking that these awkward, ridiculous, backwoods weddings remain lost to the rest of the nation except by an accidental Google images search. Ohio IS a pretty progressive, metropolitan place, I promise!

Please post thoughts, because I'm sure you have some.


Anonymous said...

I still think it was kool...

Andrew & Laura said...

If I were going to do it all over again, I'd DEF have a taxidermy wedding. Hawt.