Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I hate life right now.

Let me correct myself: I have my life regarding all things mathematical. Stats and Econ have not only taken over nearly every waking thought, but have destroyed my morale to the point that I sometimes reconsider whether I will survive this semester. I know things will be MUCH better next semester when I'm enrolled in classes which are in my concentrations and I will actually enjoy. Right now, I'm getting buy on a smile and a prayer. I HATE anything mathematical. Shoot me.

I'm going back to studying for my econ quiz tomorrow. I am beginning to hate life.

All I want for Christmas is an easier schedule...and, if anyone who wants to buy me a Christmas present is reading, I also want gift cards to Express or money for rent. Those would be nice, too.

:o( Cheer ups are welcomed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My darling daughter, This too shall pass. You'll look upon this and laugh one day. Believe me, I know.