Thursday, June 25, 2009

I Have a Crush On My Job

I love my internship. I have a big giant crush on the work we do. If it was an above average-looking, brown-haired man with ambitions and a strong love of family and God, I'd marry it.

My coworkers are hilarious, our residents are the sweetest kids God ever put on the planet, and I also spend my day laughing and playing. I spend a good portion of my day trying to look busy. I have my gmail up on another tab, and frequently click back to it and mutter things like, "Jesus, why haven't these people emailed me back?" and "Ugh, why does no one care about homeless youth?" Everyone knows I'm just faking it, mostly because they're faking it, too. It's a fun game we all play. Working in this business has a lot of down time and a lot of fast-paced get-your-shit-together time. It's an interesting balance. Working with these kids is a lot like parenting--screw all of you older folks who complain about teenagers all the damn time--I love them! They call contantly for silly reasons, have life-altering problems (like being late to a movie or running out of orange juice), and get into friendship-ending fights that are forgotten the next day. I couldn't ask for a better group of people to hang out with.

That's really all I had to say. Sometimes I just have to gush. :o)

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