Sunday, January 6, 2008


Intersession might just be the most boring time of my life. NO ONE is in Frostburg. I have NO money. I am running very low on every food item (except Ramen, which doesn't even count as food), and have no way to get to the grocery store. I have cleaned the entire house, and now I'm so bored that I'm cleaning it all again. I've watched every episode of America's Next Top Model. I've started to watch Doogie Howser reruns online. I went to bed at 7pm the other day because I had NOTHING else to do. My brain is MELTINGGGG.

The Cookes come back Monday (sheesh, not soon enough! I miss them!), and Nate should get here Wednesday-ish. I'm just trying to keep myself as occupied as possible until then. Laura's Christmas gift has STILL not come in the mail, and I'm beginning to think I got ebay scammed. If so, I will be livid. The lady said 10-20 days (it's coming from China), and it's only been a week, haha. I'm just impatient. My cousin, Michael, is moving into my house (Dayton, not Frostburg) in a week or so, and I'm very upset. I think he should give up his fancy-pants co-op job (future shmuture) and come hang out with me in the Burg. He'd hate it, but I miss him, and it's not fair that my parents get to hang out with him and I don't!

I'm so crabby this morning, I'm sorry. I just really need some money and some transportation. I need human contact (not in the touchy touchy way, guttermind, I just need someone to talk to face-to-face)!


Oh, fun news! Due to financial and romantic hardships, my very good friend, Abby, and I have decided to become lesbians, move to Massachusetts (yay for legal gay marriage!), get married, and raise Isabelle (her daughter) together. We will have a very nice pride flag displayed on our front porch. I'll let you know when the housewarming party is. Bring snacks; wine will be provided. Lol...we are so frustrated with being poor and being surrounded by idiotic men.

I'm going to make lunch...ravioli...MMMMM...ugh. :o(

Gus (for Andrew)

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