Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Risha Danielle Pratt, 21, died Tuesday, November 13, 2007.

That's pretty much all the obituary said. I looked at the other obituaries of the various Ediths and Joes and Betsys. They were all at least 70. Their obituaries mentioned how they enjoyed pot-luck dinners, croquet, and going to the park with their grandchildren. Risha's never mentioned anything she liked. She only liked drugs. That defined who she was, and it killed her. She overdosed and died. She died on a Tuesday. A Tuesday?! Why did she not have anything better to do on a Tuesday night than do enough drugs to kill her? Why wasn't she watching reruns of Full House? Why wasn't she doing laundry? Why wasn't she doing anything that the rest of the country does on a Tuesday night? I just wish that if she had to die, it would've been on a Saturday night. We used to make up dance routines to TLC's "Waterfalls" and perform them for my mom--over and over and over again. We'd get halfway through, and fall down from giggling so hard, and try it again. We used to play Barbies. We spent hours dreaming of being teenagers (the coolest people on the planet). We'd exchange clothes, and in the spirit of the divorce generation, "share custody" of some outfits. Why am I in college and she's in the grave? What happened? When did we become such different people?

Dad died in January.
Uncle Glen died in March.
Ivan and I broke up in August.
Risha died in November.

This year sucks.

Fuck 2007.

In response so L.B., your little brother was great! Abundance was a really cute play. It was sort of like Desperate Prairiewives. Nice night out.

And please come to Vagina Monologues! It should be really good!



Anonymous said...

Here's to a better 2008, Suz!!

I'm glad you liked Abundance - and I will come to the Vagina Monologues - it's been like a few years since I went to one! :) L.B.

Anonymous said...

Watching you girls was fun in the old days. I'm sorry about Risha but she had a tough life and not many good friends and the one she had she left.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

I'll be @ V-logs. Just make sure you schedule it around my time with Laura ;-)
