Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My Posts are Becoming Scattered and Boring. I'll Try to Fix It.

In Chemistry class today, we discussed light. Color doesn't exist in a dark room. Did you know that? To me, that's completely mind-blowing. Color only exists because light exists; therefore, take away light, and you take away color. I don't like knowing that when I go to bed at night, all the amazing colors that make up this world just don't exist. It seems to me that it's a bit like the ostrich with its head in the sand. Chemistry. Psh. Dumb.

Laura called today. She's back home in Havre de Grace (is that how you spell it?) because her sister just gave birth to Lilly Ann. Supposedly she incredibly adorable with curly black hair and little Asian eyes. I'm excited to see pictures. Although spending so much time with Lucy has seriously deterred me from wanting kids of my own within the next decade, I still think they are so freaking cute...in pictures...not crying...and not vomiting all over my nice jeans. Yuck. She'll be back next week, and I can't wait to see her again! I feel a bit incomplete when I can't walk to Mechanic Street for dinner and some Q.T. with the Cookes (watching Andrew play the Wii and shake his head at Laura and me as we gossip and giggle and Lu spits up all over me).

I called Grandma this morning. I slipped on the dewy grass on this hill to get to campus and face-planted. I slid alllllll the way down this hill, and got grass stains on my breakup jeans (the very expensive and very nice jeans that make my butt look great that I bought after the breakup: hence, my breakup jeans, haha). I called her in a tizzy asking what to do to keep it from setting in while I sat through classes until 3pm. She wasn't sure what to do except hope and make sure to pretreat when I got home with some OxyClean (I have none). At least the jeans are a really dark wash, so it's not that noticeable.

I need to start reading my new book (it's not so new anymore, I got it 2 weeks ago and haven't picked it up since). It's by the same author as new new second-favorite book (next to John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, of course), Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Jonathan Safran Foer is amazing. This new one is Everything is Illuminated, which was made into a movie a few years ago; you may have seen it. It's about a young Jewish man who collects memories of his family: dirt, photographs, watches, etc. He suspects that a woman in a photograph with his grandfather was the woman who saved him from being killed during the Holocaust. He goes back to the Ukraine, where his grandfather was from, and searches for the woman. It's really an amazing movie, but I've heard, like so many other book/movie combos, that the book is much better. I highly recommend Mr. Foer, so go pick up one of his books!

Ok, I'm off to do some homework.

-Suz the Great

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